Part of Australia's charm is its history. It also makes for some great places to visit! So take a journey down Australia's timeline & see what you can discover, or even learn.
Whether you're passionate about history, fascinated by the paranormal, or an admirer of architectural splendor, the Old York Hospital captivates.
Cocklebiddy is situated 64 kilometres east of Caiguna and and 83 kilometres west of Madura, and inland from the Great Australian Bight.
Coolgardie is located 550km east of Perth and the birthplace of the great gold rush of 1892.
Eucla is located approximately 13 kilometres west of the South Australian border. Established in 1877 as a manual repeater station for the Overland Telegraph.
Augusta offers the perfect family holiday and is on the south-west coast of Western Australia.
Mandurah is just a hop skip & jump from Perth metro. Find out how to make your way down to the coastal city of Mandurah.
Ningaloo Reef is a barrier reef 260km's long & protects a pure white shallow sandy lagoon of clear tropical waters.
In Western Australia & want to find out the best surfing spots? We have them for you.
Mundrabilla is located 62 kilometres west of Eucla and 115 kilometres east of Madura.
When you think about white beaches and great surf, you can't helping thinking about the magnificent Western Australian coastline!
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