Part of Australia's charm is its history. It also makes for some great places to visit! So take a journey down Australia's timeline & see what you can discover, or even learn.
Men came from all over the world, often dragging their families in tow to the harsh outback climate.
Albany is a coastal Great Southern town nestled between Mount Clarence & Mount Melville.
Mundrabilla is located 62 kilometres west of Eucla and 115 kilometres east of Madura.
Augusta offers the perfect family holiday and is on the south-west coast of Western Australia.
For over 100 years Fremantle Prison has been home to stories of strange and unexplained occurrences.
There are plenty of free camping opportunities around Australia, including campsites specially designed for free campers. Think of the freedom & the money you will save!
Ningaloo Reef is a barrier reef 260km's long & protects a pure white shallow sandy lagoon of clear tropical waters.
Kalgoorlie is one of those towns in Australia that is well known around the world, for a variety of reasons.
Busselton is a coastal city & the gateway to the South West. It is one WA's earliest settlements and has repeatedly been voted WA's top tourist town.
Perth is the most isolated capital city in the world & the world's sunniest capital city, averaging 8 hours of sun a day through the year.
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