Explore natural beauty intertwined with mystery and adventure in this must-visit Western Australian destination.
Around 39% of Australians believe angels & demons are active in the world and 35% believe ghosts exist and can influence their will on the living. (2017 poll by Essential Research)
Scientists have many reasons for these spirit phenomena. It could be physical (low-frequency sounds, magnetic fields, thermal patterns) or psychological (suggestibility, fear of mortality). While ghosts can’t be proven to exist, they can't be debunked.
Believe it ... or not?
Explore natural beauty intertwined with mystery and adventure in this must-visit Western Australian destination.
The Old Melbourne Gaol is one of the city's most recognizable landmarks, marking the darker side of Melbourne's …
Whether you're passionate about history, fascinated by the paranormal, or an admirer of architectural splendor, the Old York …
If you are a fan of horror movies, chances are you have come across the film Wolfe Creek.
In a remote outback of Australia, 10 residents share a unique bond and search for the answers to …
Do you believe in ghosts? In Western Australia, there is a ghost town that still haunts the state …
Do you believe in ghosts? Adelaide Arcade in Australia is known for its ghostly sightings and mysterious happening.
Luna Park, Melbourne's iconic amusement park, is a place of laughter and fun. But did you know that …
For over 100 years Fremantle Prison has been home to stories of strange and unexplained occurrences.
If you're looking for a spooky adventure, then look no further than Luna Park Sydney.
If you’re looking for a thrill and some spine-tingling experiences, consider visiting one of the many haunted houses …
Visitors to the Monte Cristo Homestead report seeing eerie lights at the homestead or weird feelings where murders …
Devil's Pool is a natural pool in a treacherous stretch of Babinda Creek (Qlnd) which holds a sinister …
Whether you're passionate about history, fascinated by the paranormal, or an admirer of architectural splendor, the Old York Hospital captivates.
Explore natural beauty intertwined with mystery and adventure in this must-visit Western Australian destination.
Luna Park, Melbourne's iconic amusement park, is a place of laughter and fun. But did you know that it also has a darker side?
If you’re looking for a thrill and some spine-tingling experiences, consider visiting one of the many haunted houses in Australia.
In a remote outback of Australia, 10 residents share a unique bond and search for the answers to the mystery of missing Paddy Moriarty.
Devil's Pool is a natural pool in a treacherous stretch of Babinda Creek (Qlnd) which holds a sinister centuries-old Aboriginal history.
The Old Melbourne Gaol is one of the city's most recognizable landmarks, marking the darker side of Melbourne's history.
If you're looking for a spooky adventure, then look no further than Luna Park Sydney.
Do you believe in ghosts? Adelaide Arcade in Australia is known for its ghostly sightings and mysterious happening.
Do you believe in ghosts? In Western Australia, there is a ghost town that still haunts the state and its people.
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