
Australian Wildlife

Beginner's Guide to Australian Wildlife

Beginner's Guide to Australian Wildlife

Beginner's Guide to Australian Wildlife

Australia is a continent brimming with amazing wildlife & so many incredible creatures to discover!

Australia is a continent brimming with amazing wildlife. From the kangaroos, koalas and echidnas of the bush, to the beautiful cuttlefish, clown fish and coral in our waters - there are so many incredible creatures to discover!

If you’re just starting out on your journey exploring Australian wildlife, then you’re in for a treat. The sheer diversity of the fauna here is truly remarkable – not only are there over 480 species of mammals, but also more than 800 species of birds and 900 species of fish.

Kangaroos are perhaps the most iconic Australian animal, with their unique hopping gait and marsupial pouch. You can find them in all shapes and sizes, from the smallest wallaby to the largest red kangaroo – and they live across most of the continent!

Koalas are another iconic species that you’ll likely encounter when exploring Australia. These cute creatures live in eucalypt forests around the country, where they feed on leaves from these tall trees. They also have a distinctive cry which is often heard at dusk or dawn.

The platypus is another fascinating creature found in Australia’s waters. This unusual mammal has webbed feet, a bill like a duck and lays eggs! It hunts for food underwater, using its sensitive bill to detect movement of prey such as insect larvae and small shrimp.

The marine life around Australia’s coastlines is also a sight to behold. If you’re lucky enough, you may encounter whales, dolphins, sea turtles or even the giant cuttlefish. The coral reefs here are home to a vast array of vibrant fish species including clownfish, angelfish and parrotfish – it truly is an underwater paradise!

So if you’re looking for an adventure that takes you into the heart of Australian wildlife, there’s no better place than this diverse continent. With its dazzling array of fascinating creatures to discover, it promises to be a journey like no other!

Discovering the beauty of Australia's incredible animals is [object Object] a delight for both adults and children. So why not grab your binoculars, camera and walking shoes and start exploring the wonderful world of Australian wildlife!

Happy travels!

24 Mar 2023

Beginner's Guide to Australian Wildlife
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