
Australian Wildlife

Living with Kangaroos

Living with Kangaroos

Living with Kangaroos

Kangaroos are one of the most iconic animals in Australia, and they are not restricted to rural areas or the outback.

Imagine waking up to the sight of kangaroos grazing in your backyard or hopping down your street. This is a reality for many Australians living in suburbia. 

Kangaroos are one of the most iconic animals in Australia, and they are not restricted to rural areas or the outback. Many suburbs across Australia are home to these magnificent creatures that can grow up to two metres tall and weigh as much as 90 kilograms. So, what's it's like to live with kangaroos in suburbia and how can humans and wildlife strive to coexist?


Kangaroos are known to be social animals and often travel in groups or mobs, which can sometimes pose a problem for homeowners. These mobs can destroy gardens or cause damage to property, especially during mating season when males can become more aggressive. However, with proper education and management strategies in place, it's possible to coexist peacefully with these native animals.

Respecting their Space

One of the best things about living with kangaroos in suburbia is the unique opportunity to observe them up close. Watching a group of kangaroos grazing in your backyard or hopping through your street is a sight to behold. However, it's essential to remember that kangaroos are wild animals, and approaching them can be dangerous. They can be unpredictable and aggressive if they feel threatened, especially if they have young in their pouch. It's crucial to give them space and admire them from a safe distance.


Living with kangaroos in suburbia has its challenges, but it's a great opportunity to learn about local wildlife and to contribute to their conservation. Urbanisation and habitat destruction are one of the major threats to kangaroo populations. By preserving green spaces and maintaining ecological balance, we can ensure that these creatures have a long-term future in our neighbourhoods. Residents can also take steps to prevent human-wildlife conflicts by keeping rubbish bins secure, installing fences and barriers, and avoiding feeding wildlife.

Making Life Easier for Both

When you live in a suburb where kangaroos roam, there are some things you can do to keep both them and you safe from harm.

  • If you see a kangaroo, don't try to befriend or feed it.
  • If you spot a kangaroo that seems sick, injured or a bit too friendly, remember the location and contact the wildlife rescue group in your area. Don't approach them.
  • If you have a pet, keep it away from kangaroos to avoid any trouble.
  • If you encounter a kangaroo, be sure not to threaten or harass it. Avoid chasing, cornering or following it down the street.
  • If a kangaroo stands on its toes, move away.
  • If you're driving by a kangaroo on the road, slow down so you can be ready to stop suddenly, since they might jump out in front of your car with no warning.
  • If you see an animal that's hurt or upset, don't chase or try to catch it. This can make things worse for the animal and increase the risk of injury.
  • If you come across a dead kangaroo, safely make sure to check its pouch for a baby joey.

Living with kangaroos in suburbia is a unique Australian experience that requires respect, patience, and knowledge. Kangaroos are magnificent creatures that play a vital role in our local ecosystems. By learning to coexist peacefully with them, we can all enjoy the beauty and wonder of these native animals. As Australians, we are privileged to share our suburbs with kangaroos, and we should do everything in our power to protect them for future generations.

07 Jun 2023

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