Perth is one of the most remote cities in the World, but it doesn't mean it lacks in things to do! Check out what the capital of Western Australia has to offer.
Mandurah is just a hop skip & jump from Perth metro. Find out how to make your way down to the coastal city of Mandurah.
Rottnest Island entices tourists with its peaceful surroundings, stunning scenery, fabulous fishing and wonderful swimming spots.
In Kalgoorlie there are things to see above the ground & below the ground. There are even things to see in the sky.
Monkey Mia, 850kms north of Perth is renowned for its wild, free-ranging friendly bottlenose dolphins.
Mundrabilla is located 62 kilometres west of Eucla and 115 kilometres east of Madura.
There are about 10,000 quokkas, 360 different species of fish, 112 bird species, 17 species of reptiles and frogs and 16 species of butterflies on Rottnest Island.
There are plenty of free camping opportunities around Australia, including campsites specially designed for free campers. Think of the freedom & the money you will save!
If you are a fan of horror movies, chances are you have come across the film Wolfe Creek.
Explore natural beauty intertwined with mystery and adventure in this must-visit Western Australian destination.
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