Facing obstacles from within and outside her party, Libby Mettam is in the midst of a demanding election campaign as she navigates the "slings and arrows" of politics. 2025-02-21 08:11:05
A Broome police officer has been captured on video tripping and pushing a man. The region's superintendent says the incident will be investigated, but on face value the officer's actions appear "excessive". 2025-02-21 02:57:53
A 19-year-old South Kalgoorlie man who allegedly severed his father's arm with a samurai sword in Western Australia's Goldfields is remanded in custody after facing court. 2025-02-21 02:02:21
Facing obstacles from within and outside her party, Libby Mettam is in the midst of a demanding election campaign as she navigates the "slings and arrows" of politics. 2025-02-20 21:15:26
As space scientists around the world scramble to learn more about an asteroid classified as a "city destroyer" that could impact the Earth in around eight years, two Australians are quietly playing a crucial role in shaping the international response. 2025-02-20 19:29:10
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